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“Take your decks, shuffle them good and see what card jumps out at you,” said Mrs Crinklebottom, my Divination Teacher. “You know the question by now: what adventure will the young MoSapien go on this week?”

It's Sunday again which means, Sorcery Studies! My favourite class. Ever.

So here I go....shuffle, shuffle. Ping. Out jumps, THE HERMIT.

A Major Arcana = a major life lesson this week, MoSapiens. This week, is all about going within and spending some time tinkering in your inner world. Think of it as a ‘time out’ from what’s going on outside of you. Or as others might call it: you’re 3D world.

Time to find out how YOU tick. (And while you‘re in there, you might get to discover how others tick too). Like a clock, it speaks of time. Whatever you’re dealing with, it’s a timing issue. Time to be patient, to be still. Listen to your soul. What does it want? It’s not a time to listen to the constant chatter of the outer world (which is brought to you by that incessive voice in your head. Or Sourpuss Sandra as I like to call mine—I really must tell you about her one day.)

But more importantly, this week is going to be quite the journey. What with Halloween, where The Great Onion Skin was at it’s thinnest and the ghostly imprints of our worlds were easy to see with a keen eye, and a blue, full moon...well that has just added to the chaos inside and outside of our heads. So, #thehermit tells you this—

—Don’t struggle, MoSpaien’s. There is a brighter day coming. Go within and find that small shimmering light of hope inside. Capture it, and take it with you where ever you go. It will guide you, but you must keep your eyes focused on its glow and bask in it’s warmth. To focus on the grainy darkness outside of the light will only cause you to stumble. Let it light each step you take. Trust the light. Trust your instincts. Use the power of your intuition. And should you stumble or fall. Know that you can reach out to a wiser being. A parent, older sibling or teacher perhaps and know that they will stoop down and help you back onto your feet.

You’ve got this! Go forth and know that everything is going to be okay.

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